This book by the dowser, energetic-spiritual therapist and psychic medium, Ramón Fenoll, constitutes an indispensable guide for those who are interested in entering the field of spirituality and are open to understanding the multiple facets of a reality that includes and transcends the limits of the visible.
Guided by an extraordinary pedagogical sense, Fenoll introduces us to a dimension inhabited by entities that surround us and with which we can interact. In this sense, the book, in addition to revealing that universe potentially accessible to our perception, is also a manual with instructions and examples that teach the reader to use techniques, such as dowsing or cleaning the aura, to restore balance and promote relaxation. spiritual growth.
Este libro fue canalizado con el firme propósito de ayudar a todas aquellas personas que utilizan la Radiestesia Espiritual o cualquier otra técnica o manera para su evolución espiritual.
Lo recomiendo sobre todo para los que están en un nivel avanzado, pues hay términos e información que si no se conoce de antemano o se está demasiado condicionado puede que no se comprenda e incluso se rechace sin pararse a profundizar.
Como comprobará el lector, el libro es muy fácil de leer y aparentemente parecerá no ser más de lo que es, sin embargo, recomiendo leerlo tantas veces sea necesario y en las diferentes etapas de evolución de la vida.
No se tome al pie de la letra cierta información, pues debe ir más allá de su mente.
Ojalá Dios logre con este libro que más hijos suyos se unan a Él.
With this book, Ramón Fenoll, a pioneer in the use and dissemination of dowsing in communication with the “beyond”, completes the Spiritual Dowsing course that has been so successful worldwide. Thousands of people have found this guide a wonderful instrument to learn not only to communicate with their Spirit Guides but also to help lost souls.
In this second part he delves into controversial issues but necessary for the understanding of this supposed reality in which we live. Without a doubt, these books will radically change the lives of many people.
This book by the radiesthesist, energetic-spiritual therapist, and psychic medium, Ramón Fenoll, is an indispensable guide for anyone interested in delving into the realm of spirituality and open to understanding the multiple facets of a reality that includes and transcends the limits of the visible.
Guided by an extraordinary pedagogical sense, Fenoll introduces us to a dimension inhabited by entities that surround us and with which we can interact. In this sense, the book, in addition to revealing that universe potentially accessible to our perception, is also a manual with instructions and examples that teach the reader how to use techniques, such as radiesthesia or aura cleansing, to restore balance and foster spiritual growth.
Ramón Fenoll is a radiesthesist, energetic-spiritual therapist, and psychic medium. Pioneer in the use and diffusion of radiesthesia to communicate with the «beyond.» He has been teaching Spiritual Radiesthesia for years to hundreds of people around the world.
Este livro do radiestesista, terapeuta energético-espiritual e médium psíquico, Ramón Fenoll, representa um guia indispensável para qualquer pessoa interessada em mergulhar no campo da espiritualidade e que esteja aberta para compreender as muitas facetas de uma realidade que inclui e transcende os limites do visível.
Guiado por um extraordinário sentido pedagógico, Fenoll nos introduz a uma dimensão habitada por entidades que nos circundam e com as quais podemos interagir. Neste sentido, o livro, além de revelar este universo potencialmente acessível à nossa percepção, é também um manual com instruções e exemplos que ensinam ao leitor como usar técnicas como a radiestesia ou a limpeza da aura, para restaurar o equilíbrio e propiciar o crescimento espiritual.
Ramon is a recognized Radiesthesist, energetic-spiritual therapist and psychic medium. Throughout the years he has taught Spiritual Radiesthesia to hundreds of people from all over the world. He has been a pioneer in the use and dissemination of radiesthesia in communication with the «beyond».
With this book, Ramon Fenoll completes the course of Spiritual Radiesthesia that has been so successful worldwide. Thousands of people have found with this guide a wonderful tool to learn not only to communicate with their Spiritual Guides but also to help lost souls.
In this second part he explores the controversial but necessary topics for the understanding of this supposed reality in which we live. Certainly, these books will radically change the lives of many people.
Com este livro, Ramon Fenoll completa o curso da Radiestesia Espiritual que tem tido tanto êxito a nível mundial. Milhares de pessoas encontraram neste guia uma ferramenta maravilhosa para aprender não apenas a se comunicar com seus Guias Espirituais, mas também para ajudar as almas perdidas.
Nesta segunda parte se aprofunda em temas controversos, mas necessários para a compreensão desta suposta realidade em que vivemos. Sem dúvida, estes livros mudarão radicalmente a vida de muitas pessoas.